Welcome to TrueLight Gallery. Existing for three primary purposes -
First I'm endeavouring to present here through photography the somewhat more intangible qualities of our natural landscape as revealed through an ever changing palette of light. My hope is that these images will both lift and inspire as well as speak to the human spirit within, through the wonder of God’s natural places. Feel free to linger.
Additionally, I’m delighted to offer a way in which we might partner together to make a difference globally in many peoples lives. Through the "Donation for a Print Exchange", you can choose one from a number of different charities, to which you make your direct contribution, and in exchange receive a fine art print from me of your choosing. So if you find yourself resonating with one of the images, here is a way to meaningfully invest in the lives of others, receive a tax deductible receipt, and in exchange own a gallery quality print. You can learn more by clicking on Ordering Information.
Then occasionally, subject to inspiration, I plan to share some writings and philosophical musings about photography as well as other life topics meaningful to me, and perhaps of interest to you as well.
So there you have it. I hope you find your time here satisfying and enriching. Thank you for stopping by.